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From El Salvador to Lytle | A mother's journey to save her daughter's life

11-year-old Daniela Zeledon is in need of a lung transplant.

A mother migrated from El Salvador to the United States seeking treatment for her 11-year-old daughter Daniela Zeledon, who is in need of a lung transplant.

Daniela's mother, Raquel Zeledon-Calderon, is now fighting to save Daniela's life.

This summer Daniela is spending the summer like many other 11-year-olds, playing with their cousins.

But Daniela isn't like other 11-year-olds.  

Daniela suffers from pulmonary fibrosis, her lungs more than 60% damaged. She can't walk far or run, and is tied to an oxygen tank keeping her alive that makes her unable to be away for more than a few minutes. 

"It’s urgently necessary for her to have a transplant, because lately she has been suffering from body changes due to a lack of oxygen," said Raquel.

Eight months ago, Raquel made the decision to migrate from El Salvador after doctors there told her there was no treatment available. For 12 days, they traveled and endured treacherous conditions with a portable rechargeable oxygen tank that kept Daniela alive.

"It was beautiful when we arrived, and I could see my daughter’s face. She grabbed my hand and told me ‘Mommy, we made it,’ and that was something that will stay in my heart the rest of my life," Raquel said. "She arrived and told me, 'It was worth it, we did it!'"

A month ago, however, a viral infection caused Daniela to be hospitalized, further damaging her lungs and leaving a transplant as her only option.  

Because of Raquel's immigration status, they are having a hard time with insurance coverage. So to help with costs, they started a GoFundMe.

"I promised to fight until the end and I will. God gave me the strength and, God bless, we’re here and because of her I am going to get where I have to go."

Raquel says it's hard to see her daughter suffer, and she would give her own lungs if she could. 

While Daniela's illness is complex, her life is simple: She just wants to be a normal kid who can run and play and go to school like her cousins.

"I see other children happy to be with others and feeling something beautiful," said Daniela.

While there is fear and unknown as to what the future holds, Raquel says it's in God's hands and adds that as long as God allows her to, she will keep knocking on doors until she finds someone to help.

Raquel said she was taken aback recently by something Daniela told her.

"She said to me, 'From Heaven, when I go, I’ll always take care of you,' and it’s conversations like that, between mother and daughter, break my spirit."

If you would like to help Daniela, you can click here.

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