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Ribbon cutting ceremony christens new SJRC school building | Forever Family

SJRC Harvey Najim Education Center open for business! And education!

SAN ANTONIO — "This is a beautiful facility," said local San Antonio philanthropist Harvey Najim. "It's in a gorgeous area out here and I'm just so happy for them," he added.

Local San Antonio philanthropist Harvey Najim was at it again donating, along with other corporate donors, the necessary funds to build a new school building for the SJRC Bulverde campus. 

The countdown and ribbon cutting took place on Tuesday as the Harvey E Najim Education Center was officially christened. The new school building will help SJRC do even better what they already do well, and that's educating foster kids housed on their campus. 

"They're moving from our one room school house type environment to this multi classroom," said SJRC CEO Tara Roussett. "It's gonna give them the chance to learn in a trauma informed environment and get to the (finish line) well beyond just the reading and writing."

Credit: Vinnie Vinzetta
SJRC educates sixth through twelvth graders.

The new school building has several essential features for the education process including three classrooms, a library, a therapy room, office space and a cafeteria/gym multi purpose room.

"When a child is in foster care often things are taken from them," said Roussett. "They move from place to place, but their education is the one thing that remains. We are so excited to have this beautiful building and the wonderful partnerships to get them what they deserve."

Credit: Vinnie Vinzetta
The area SJRC campus foster youth to have more interaction.

The SJRC school program in conjunction with the UT Charter School System serves sixth through twelvth graders. 

"Lots of these kids have been taken in and out of different foster care homes two to three times per year and they fall behind," said Najim. "This place can help them get caught up. It is just beautiful. I love it."

Tara told us the gym/cafeteria multi purpose room is her favorite. 

"That's always been a dream for us to have something for the kids to have some interaction and some recreation," she said. "It is just beautiful."

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