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'Know there is an end in sight': Texas marathon runner shares insight on perseverence in time of uncertainty

Enduring a pandemic, like enduring a marathon, takes the right mindset.

SAN ANTONIO — Ryan Miller won first place in the Humana Rock 'n' Roll Marathon last year. These days, he's in a different kind of marathon, one we're all participants in: enduring the coronavirus pandemic.

Every race that Miller was signed up to run in this spring has been canceled. But that's not the first setback he's experienced in his running career.

In 2016, Miller qualified for the U.S. Olympic marathon trials. Three days before they started, he needed an emergency surgery. He ended up watching the trials on TV from his hospital bed. 

"That was pretty disappointing, to have something ripped away from you when it's totally out of your control," Miller says.

But he learned how to persevere. 

This year he qualified for the trials again. While he didn't make the team, he's still striving for that goal of running at the Olympics. 

And he says he's already achieved something better. His wife, Lacie, is pregnant with their first child.

"Being a family and a dad is No. 1 on my list. So the ultimate dream is coming true in July," Miller said. 

In running and in life, Miller knows how to stay the course. Before a marathon, he mentally prepares himself for the pain that comes with it and reminds himself of what's beyond the finish line.

The same is true during a global pandemic.

As Miller says: "Know that there is an end in sight and when that end is in sight, it's gonna be glorious. You're gonna get to hug your friends, go to the movies, go to church and just be with your community again."

Miller is also a running coach, and he encourages people to get out of the house and either run or cycle. He's says since the gyms are closed, running is the perfect exercise right now to maintain both physical and mental health. If you want to Miller to coach you on running, you can contact him via his Instagram.

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