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S.A. pilot receives prestigious award from FAA after 52 years in the sky

After 52 years and more than 15,000 hours in the sky without a violation, Tim Musgrave received a special award from the FAA.

A San Antonio man received a prestigious award from the Federal Aviation Administration for his clean flying record.

Tim Musgrave is the president and CEO of Pressure Systems International, a company that provides tire inflation products, and often flies himself to meet with clients in other states.

"We're the world's leader in automatic tire inflation for the trucking industry. We run on JB Hunt, Warner, Schneider, FedEx, UPS, all the majors. 90 percent of the private and public fleets run our product. We're manufactured here in San Antonio," Musgrave noted.

During the last several decades, he's flown 15,000 hours and has never had a single incident or violation. Musgrave said that, initially, when he got the call from the FAA, he was unsure what the call was for and was hesitant to call the agency back.

"I said, ‘Mr. Stanford, this is Tim Musgrave…’ About that long of a pause and then he goes, ‘Is this Thomas Musgrave III?’ Well, even my wife doesn't remember that that's my full name. So, I'm thinking, ‘This is horrible.’ I said, ‘Well, could I be Junior? Till we know what's going on,’" Musgrave recalled.

After the FAA notified him that it was for an award, Mugrave said that he was surprised.

"It was an honor to get it because it wasn't something that I wanted to get in my life. I've never heard it," Musgrave explained.

Musgrave knew early on that he was going to become a pilot. He grew up in a military family and both of his parents were pilots. Musgrave's father, Tomas C. Musgrave Jr., was a U.S. Air Force Major General.

"My father was the youngest general in the Air Force at the time. He flew every bomber. It was active in World War II. He flew every bomber used in the Cold War up to, but not including, the B1," Musgrave said.

Musgrave carries a company coin in his pocket that says "Dare to Soar" and he also has another coin like it that's visible inside his work jet.

"The idea there is to get up where the eagles soar, where the visibility's unlimited, look clearly at where you wanna go, what is it that you want to do in life and get away from the text messages, the e-mails, the memorandums. But get up and see what you wanna do. Flying enables you to do that," Musgrave said. "Everyone asks me, ‘Man, you're 75 and you're still flying a jet by yourself?’ I have a physical every year. And if I can't pass the minimums, the FAA, they will tell me when it's time to move on from this airplane. I hope it's a long time from now."

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