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Holiday tipping guidelines

The holidays mean it is time to tip as a way to stay thank you. Who to tip and how much can add extra stress to the season.

SAN ANTONIO — Tipping is all about spreading the wealth not overstretching your budget or maybe thinking outside the “buck” when it comes to giving a holiday bonus.

First, decide whom to tip. Many of us have a long list but are short on cash. Be like Santa and check your list twice to see who is really deserving by prioritizing your top service providers.

“Tip the people who matter to you, who help make your life easier,” said Andrea Woroch, a smart saving expert.

“If you can’t tip everybody, think about the people who have truly gone above and beyond,” said Ted Rossman of Bankrate.com. “If you have a really great babysitter or hairstylist who’s really helping out over and above their normal duties, you may want to give them a little extra.”

Next, decide how much to tip. The general rule is to give the cost of one service, or just give what you can.

“The reality is you should never go broke or feel stressed out about tipping,” Woroch said.

“Something is probably better than nothing,” Rossman said. “I don’t think you need to give an explanation. You know, that could be kind of awkward like, oh, it’s not as much as last year or, oh, I wish I could give more. I mean, at the end of the day, it’s nice to show appreciation.”

Rossman points to a Bankrate study on holiday tipping that found people still plan to tip this year, but some will tip less than last year.

“Last year, the median tip for a childcare provider was $50,” Rossman said. “This year, it’s only $25. I have to think not only is inflation weighing on people, but maybe during the pandemic some people tipped extra well because they realized it was a weird time and they were just thankful the place was open.”

Consider gifting something other than money.

“Maybe there are other creative ways, too, “ Rossman said. “I know cash talks, I, mean people would prefer cash but in some instances maybe a handwritten note or baked goods.”

Also, make sure your service provider can accept a tip or gift before you give. Some companies have gratuity policies. For example, postal workers are federal employees who are subject to federal regulations and are not permitted to accept cash or gift cards, but can accept a gift up to $20.

If you tip someone regularly throughout the year already, you may just want to add a bit extra to what you normally give during your last service of the year.

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