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AlamoPROMISE pledge yields Wagner High School seniors free graduation cap, gown

Karen Wagner High School became the first school in San Antonio to get 100 percent of its seniors to commit to the Alamo Colleges' AlamoPROMISE.

SAN ANTONIO — The seniors at Karen Wagner High School got a tassel turning moments months before graduation. 

Judson Independent School District Superintendent Dr. Jeanette Ball made good on a promise after the students lived up their end of the bargain.

"Today was about celebrating that 100 percent of our seniors class have made a promise to attend an Alamo College," Mary Duhart-Toppen said.

Duhart-Toppen, Wagner's principal, was especially proud of the percentile rate because her school is the first in the city to obtain it.

"We were trying to get the 100 percent. So, I went around the lunchroom and everything," Aaliyah Muriel recalled. "Like, did you sign up? Did you sign up?"

Muriel is a senior who plans to major in business and minor in law.  She is among the students excited about AlamoPROMISE.

"So what AlamoPROMISE does is actually provide to every graduating senior with Bexar County the opportunity to get a certificate, associates degree or prepare to transfer to a university," Chancellor Mike Flores said.

The Alamo Colleges administrator said the program is going to pay off for San Antonio. First, he said, it will lift the financial burden for students. Then, the goal is to retain talent in our community.

"Success for our community — economic development in the future," Flores said.

Muriel said the program which touts last dollar funding for students from 25 AlamoPROMISE will keep her from working to earn extra cash for college tuition.

Ball's gift to the seniors was a very "senior like" incentive; she promised to pay for their graduation caps and gowns.

"It just lessens the burden. I don't have to pay for it," Caleb Hernandez said. "Some of us go through financial struggles."

The future college student, who wants to go the Navy, is happy all promises were met.

According to Wagner officials, 389 seniors are getting free caps and gowns. The graduation gear costs $50 which means Judson will pay out nearly $20,000.

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