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Emergency outreach effort equips San Antonio's homeless with winter necessities

Christian Assistance Ministry, along with members of SAPD, took to the streets of downtown Sunday to encourage residents to seek shelter ahead of the freezing cold.

SAN ANTONIO — As soon as local homeless outreach organizations got word of Sunday's temperature drop, they sprung into action gathering supplies for those who need it most.

Christian Assistance Ministry (CAM), for example, is taking the lead. They took to the streets of downtown San Antonio Sunday night informing the city's homeless of freezing temperatures headed to the area.

CAM loaded up vans with donations of winter necessities to give to the homeless, in an emergency outreach effort this weekend.

Credit: Christian Assistance Ministry

"We're rounding up blankets, jackets, hand warmers, beanies, gloves and those things to keep warm tonight," said Valerie Salas, Director of Homeless Services for CAM.

The organization encouraged members of the downtown homeless community to seek shelter from frigid temperatures.

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"We're very blessed with not only the space, but the volunteers," said Salas. "Also donors and givers that come bring donations to us daily to serve the community."

Donations come from individuals in the community as well as other churches and organizations, like First Presbyterian Church and Church Under the Bridge.

Sunday, CAM teamed up with SAPD to deliver the supplies. This collaboration, Salas says, is crucial -- as police officers are the frontline workers in the downtown area.

Credit: Christian Assistance Ministry

"They know the homeless very well," she explained. "They are the first to call us when they see that a homeless person needs help or an unsheltered individual is ready to get off the street or needs some kind of immediate service."

As donations poured in, Salas says CAM now has enough to give to other outreach organizations across San Antonio during the first weeks of winter.

RELATED: How to help those who are homeless this winter

To learn more about CAM and if you or someone you know can benefit from their services, click here.

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