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'Let's give them a big Texas prayer': Millions impacted by flooding in the Midwest

Raging rivers, collapsed roads and homes swept away. Officials say Midwest floods have now claimed two lives.

SAN ANTONIO — More than 3 million people have been impacted by deadly flooding in the Midwest. Volunteers with the American Red Cross of Central & South Texas are now in Iowa helping with the relief efforts, according to officials.

It’s been a week since torrential rainfall devastated communities in South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota and Iowa. On Wednesday, much of the Midwest was under flash flooding and tornado warnings.

“Waters come fast, they come violent,” said Jessica Unzelman. “They are not prejudice. They will take out everything in front of you.”

Unzelman has made San Antonio her home, but her family still lives in South Dakota.

“I’m worried about everyone’s safety,” she said. “There are so many limited resources available. The Red Cross didn’t get out there for a couple of days. They reached north Sioux City, Iowa, but they weren’t able to get out to my brother’s area.”

Unzelman shared videos and pictures of where her brother lives in Union County. The father of five helped rescue stranded neighbors, Unzelman says.

“He is a fishing man so he has a boat,” she said. “He has always been one to give aid. If someone needs something, if someone is on the side of the road with a flat tire, he is going to stop and help.”

Many families are left without homes, without work and without basic essentials. Unzelman says the agriculture industry has been decimated in Union County.

“Before all this, these people were already barely surviving,” said Unzelman. “These are hardworking people.”

Rebuilding will take a long time. Unzelman believes the State of South Dakota and the federal government could be doing more. She is now asking the community to remember our northern neighbors.

“South Dakota and the northern states looked out for us during our drought, they looked out for us last year with our wildfires,” she said. “So, let’s give them a big Texas prayer, let’s give them a big Texas hug. They need everything they can get right now.”

A GoFundMe page has been started to help flood victims with immediate needs in Union County, South Dakota. 

The Red Cross of Central & South Texas says they always need more volunteers. To donate your time or moneyclick HERE.

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