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One man's mental health journey, and the nonprofit that provides free help

"The journey, it is still ongoing," said San Antonio native Maverick Crawford, who found help through the National Alliance on Mental Illness, or NAMI.

SAN ANTONIO — According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness | Greater San Antonio, one in four people this year will experience a mental health disorder. 

The goal of the organization is to reach people before they reach a crisis. 

San Antonio native Maverick Crawford bravely opened up to KENS 5 about his struggles and his journey to save not only his life, but others.

"I was one of those shy kids that got frequently bullied," he said. "I knew something was going on with me. I knew I was different from others. But I just didn't know how to express my needs or how I needed help."

Crawford said he has dealt with mental illness.

"I had thoughts to end my life, “Crawford said. "I have attempted."

He said his first attempt was at the age of 19.

"At that particular time I was struggling with self-worth, I had self-doubt," he said. "I hated who I was."

Crawford ended up in a behavioral hospital and was first introduced to NAMI.

"In the Black community it is well, you are not supposed to talk about those types of things because you are either weak or you have a lack of faith," he said.

However, the 27-year-old's strength is now more evident than ever. But, he admits it is not easy. 

"The journey, it is still ongoing," he said.

Credit: KENS

Executive Director of NAMI San Antonio Doug Beach has been a part of the organization for about 15 years.

"We don't need to beat people down, we need to lift people up," Beach said.

Beach highlighted a major change saying more people are willing to talk about mental health.

"Fifteen years ago, you couldn't even get people to talk about mental health," he said. "I think now there is better understanding and education."

Beach hopes the stigma will eventually go away, and said the most startling statistics impact our young people.

"50% of mental illness begins by age 14,” he said. "75% of mental illness begins by the age 24."

Beach says NAMI's goal is to educate families so they can spot the signs. The organization offers several free programs. He said hope is the main drive.

"It means recovering the parts of your life that you thought you lost," he said.

As for Crawford, he wanted to emphasize that no one is alone in the journey.

"One conversation can save a life," Crawford said. "It is okay to get help for your mental health and mental well-being. You deserve to be happy, and to have the best fulfilling life."

If you know someone in need of help, here is a link to resources.  

Also, NAMI relies on fundraising. It will hold its upcoming walk on Saturday, October 7, 2023 at the San Antonio Zoo. For more information, click here.

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