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Nirenberg declares local disaster, issues nightly curfew for downtown area every day this week after looting incidents

Anyone caught violating the curfew could be punished with a fine or jail time.

SAN ANTONIO — Citing how peaceful daytime demonstrations following the killing of Texas native George Floyd have on occasion "devolved after dark into several incidences of vandalism and looting," San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg says there will be a nightly curfew for the downtown area every day this week. 

"All public places and streets" downtown will be off-limits to most residents from 9 p.m. every night until 6 a.m. the following morning. The move from Nirenberg coincides with a local disaster declaration. 

The move comes a day after local officials said the Alamo Plaza would be off-limits every night this week. Efforts from local law enforcement to disperse crowds late into the evening on Saturday and Tuesday have resulted in the use of rubber bullets and tear gas from officers. 

"Our goal will always be to de-escalate. No. 1 (priority)," Nirenberg said at a daily press briefing on the city's local coronavirus response Wednesday evening. "We don't want anyone hurt. I asked (police officials) for us to be very transparent about the rules of engagement with regard to crowds and make sure everyone understand our goal is to protect the life and safety of everybody there who peacefully assembled."

The order states that "all law enforcement, fire, medical personnel and members of the news media...are exempt from the curfew," as are those residents getting to and from work, seeking medical attention or those who are homeless. 

Nirenberg's declaration says anyone caught violating the curfew could be punished with a $1,000 fine and up to 180 days behind bars. 

Earlier in the day on Wednesday, authorities erected fencing around the Alamo to stay up "for as long as events indicate it is needed."

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