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'We have to find them!' | SA mother searching for three good Samaritans who pulled kids safely from car crash

The crash happened Wednesday afternoon off North Foster Road near Old Seguin Road on San Antonio's northeast side.

SAN ANTONIO — A San Antonio mother is searching for three Good Samaritans who were in the right place at the right time.

Wednesday, a car crashed into Danielle Littlefield as she was driving her two children to the store. The impact caused Littlefield's glasses to fall off, robbing her of her sight. She said she couldn't see well enough to pull her kids out of the car.

"That was the most scary situation, just feeling helpless and not being able to help your own kids," said Littlefield.

A crunched fender, shattered windows and deployed airbags. With damage like that, Littlefield is giving thanks that broken fingers were the worst of her family's injuries.

"We came out with no blood and that's the best feeling," she explained. "My baby only came out with a scar on her neck. My son came out with a scar on his from the seat belt. I broke two fingers."

Credit: KENS
Danielle Littlefield and her children, 19-month-old Calem and 9-year-old Mia.

Wednesday, shortly before 5 p.m., Littlefield was sitting in a turning lane off North Foster near Old Seguin Road on the northeast side. She said suddenly, a car trying to exit an apartment complex crashed into her.

"I couldn't see. My glasses fell off from the impact of the car. My daughter's glasses fell off from the impact of the car," said Littlefield.

9-year-old Mia was in the passenger's seat and 19-month-old Calem was sitting behind her.

"I got out of the car and screamed, 'Help! Somebody get my kids out of the car!'" Littlefield recalled. "I'm on the floor looking for my glasses, but I'm screaming at the same time."

Credit: Danielle Littlefield
Littlefield's car was totaled. She's driving a rental for the time being.

At that moment, she said two girls at a nearby store ran to the scene.

"Since I got hit by the air bags, I got scared and tried to climb to the back. That's when the car door open and one of the young ladies got me out," Mia shared. "She asked if I was thirsty and if I needed anything to drink...It made me feel comfortable and safe."

Credit: Danielle Littlefield
Littlefield's car with broken windows and deployed airbags.

A third woman ran over, found Littlefield's phone, and called 911.

"It's nice to see there's still good people out there that are willing to help someone instead of just grabbing the phone and recording everything," said the mother.

Littlefield didn't get a chance to thank the good Samaritans. She's hoping the community can help change that.

She believes the two young ladies who helped the kids out of the car were teenagers, possibly high school-aged. The other woman who helped call 911 appeared to be in her late 20's, Littlefield believes.

"We have to find them!"

She posted the story on social media, but no luck so far finding these helpers.

If you know who they could be, e-mail ANEAVES@KENS5.COM. We'll help the Good Samaritans get in touch with the family.

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