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Verify: Can you find eclipse-safe glasses, viewers in San Antonio?

Dozens of glasses and binoculars say they’re safe to use during the upcoming solar eclipse, but what are the dangers involved, and how can you know that you’re really protected?

EclipSmart products are safe to use during the solar eclipse.

Dozens of glasses and binoculars say they’re safe to use during the upcoming solar eclipse, but what are the dangers involved, and how can you know that you’re really protected?

  • To get the answer, we spoke with NASA research scientist Dr. Alexa Halford.
  • We also received a statement from Celestron, a company that makes eclipse-safe products.

"You never want to look at the sun with your eyes when they are unprotected. We want to make sure that everybody still can continue to see after having a safe viewing of the eclipse," Halford said.

Halford said this includes during the eclipse.

Click here to review NASA eclipse safety guidelines

"As long as you can see any portion of the solar disk, you need to make sure that you are wearing proper eye safety wear," she said.

The only time you won’t need to wear them, is during the total eclipse.

However, because Texas isn’t in the "path of totality," the sun will never be completely covered. You’ll need to keep your glasses on the whole time.

Experts said everyone who is not in the "path of totality" of the solar eclipse needs to wear protective eye gear during the entire event.

Some eclipse-safe glasses are being sold locally, including Celestron EclipSmart products.

The company released the following statement:

“The safety of our customers is our highest priority. That is why all Celestron EclipSmart products feature Solar Safe filter technology and are ISO compliant.”

"This is a 55mm EclipseSmart telescope. They’re really great for viewing the solar eclipses and any solar events that go on. The technology behind these is going to be the 'solar safe' filters," Best Buy spokesperson Amanda Gamez said of the products.

“They are also verified by the American Astronomical [Society]," Halford said.

Whether it’s binoculars, telescopes or sunglasses, NASA advises consumers to check for an “ISO number” on the product, showing it meets safety standards.

Also, to make sure you have a safe eclipse-viewing experience, get in place early so you don't get stuck in traffic.

VERIFY: Resources

READ: NASA eclipse safety guidelines
SEARCH: Coverage of the 2017 solar eclipse
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