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Floresville ISD Bus driver considered a hero for bravery during Friday's tornado

FLORESVILLE, Texas -- A bus driver in the Floresville Independent School District was honored Tuesday as a hero.
A Floresville ISD bus driver is being called a hero for driving through severe weather.

FLORESVILLE, Texas -- A bus driver in the Floresville Independent School District was honored Tuesday as a hero.

If it wasn't for his quick thinking during Friday's tornado, some students said they might not be alive.

"The bus was rocking and shaking. Believe me," said Felipe Ramirez, a bus driver for Floresville ISD.

In the path of Friday's tornado in Floresville was a group of ten students. They take the bus each morning to San Antonio for college classes.

Junior Fernando Hernandez could barely drive his truck because of the heavy rains.

"I got out of the truck. The rain seemed like it stopped. I was running back, and the bus just got here. I got on the bus, grabbed my bag and that's when the tornado hit," said Hernandez.

Their bus driver, Mr. Ramirez, waited for all 10 students to board the bus while the tornado whirled around them. The last student on was nearly struck by an uprooted tree.

Had Hernandez remained inside of his truck, he might not be alive. The path of the tornado ripped through his front driver's side of the vehicle.

"I shut the door. It popped open two times, and I shut it again," said Ramirez.

He told the students to hold on tight as the tornado slammed into the bus.

"The seat in front of it to the right is where I was sitting when it happened," explained junior Nicholas Sanders about the experience Friday morning. "Fernando was sitting right here next to this window," he added, pointing near the front of the bus.

The kids held a tight grip underneath the seats. After about a minute, it was over.

When the storm died down, Ramirez drove the kids two blocks away from the high school to the bus barn. They reunited with their parents there.

After hugs and sighs of relief at their child's safety, the parents thanked Ramirez for watching over them.

"I consider these kids heroes because they're special. To me, they're very special. They want to educate themselves and do something with themselves. That's why they are the heroes. Not me," said Ramirez.

The district recognized Mr. Ramirez Tuesday morning to thank him for his bravery and putting his kids first.

"I think without him, we probably wouldn't be here today. He saved our lives, and I thank him," said Hernandez.

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