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Map shows county-by-county risk of encountering COVID-19 within a group

With 40% of Americans still likely attending a gathering with 10 people this holiday the map might be helpful.

Monday morning's news headlines showed what was a busy weekend. Michigan announced new restrictions on Sunday shutting down a variety of businesses for the next three weeks, while Chicago implemented a new stay at home order for the next 30 days.

But as cases slowly rise in San Antonio, Metro Health's Dr. Colleen Bridger said on Friday it's a far cry from what we're seeing up north.

"The number of cases across the country is growing three times faster in the United States than they are here in San Antonio," Dr. Bridger said.

"However we need to remain vigilant against this virus, especially as we approach the holiday season."

Which is why websites like the COVID event risk assessment map might bode well under your bookmarks.

A professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology alongside researchers from labs and Stanford University created the tool.

The site allows you to see the likelihood of someone being COVID positive in a group in every county in the country.

With 40% of Americans still likely attending a gathering with 10 people this holiday the map might be helpful.

Right now for Bexar County, the likelihood of someone being COVID positive within a group of 25 this holiday is 16%.

But if you plan to travel to El Paso County it's 93%. If drop El Paso's group size down to 10 people, it's still 65%.

"The safest way to celebrate Thanksgiving is virtually," Dr. Helen Boucher the Tufts Medical Center Chief of Infection Diseases told CBS News recently.

Which is why medical experts stress you want to think about the risks you face this holiday. You don't want it to be the last one.

"Being indoors, in a poorly ventilated space, with a lot of people who are not covering their face, that could set up a perfect storm," Dr. Boucher said about family gatherings this holiday season. 

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