SAN ANTONIO — Most of us have tried losing weight at some point in our lives. But a new TikTok challenge is helping many shed pounds the wrong way.
It is called "The Rice-Zempic Challenge." It is just one of the latest crazes on TikTok saying it'll help you lose weight, but could come with other health problems. Dr. Danielle Kelvas, a primary care physician with the HCG Institute told us, "The rice will absorb the water, expand in your stomach and make you full. Do not try to cook things in your stomach. The rice needs to be cooked before you eat it."
The "Rice-Zempic" recipe is an easy one, which makes it that much easier to try, and that much more dangerous. It calls for one cup of uncooked rice, one cup of hot water, and half of a lime or some lime juice. The uncooked rice is the problem and it's bacteria could cause inflammation. Benjamin Smith, an Alternative Wellness Expert and author of "Why are you sick?" added, "What people, a lot of people don't understand is that the more chronic inflammation you have, the less things you can do."
Some negative effects of the Rice-Zempic challenege are bloating, gas, food poisoning, exacerbates existing acid reflux, and damage to the intestinal tract because the rice has something called lectin which can't be digested. Dr. Kelvas said, "So it passes through the small and large intestine largely undigested. This causes a lot of damage to the inner lining of the intestines."
Both experts say there are safer, more natural ways to lose weight. Dr. Kelvas told us, "Drink a lot of water. Water naturally fills the stomach. Eating a lot of fiber and protein that takes longer to be digested keeps you fuller for longer." Smith added, "Nose breathing is easy. Keep your mouth closed. Walking. Cut carbs. And that's really difficult to do. And you got to work at it."
Smith says with that nose breathing you get more oxygen into your lungs, which cuts down on inflammation, making it easier for you to lose weight.