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Texans granted affordable insulin options with new law, new Walmart brand

Walmart is rolling out a private brand of insulin, while a new law taking effect in the fall can cap insulin prices for some patients.

SAN ANTONIO — Access to a life-saving medication is getting cheaper.

Walmart is launching its own private brand of insulin, and thanks to a new law taking effect this fall—the state is capping prices on insulin prescriptions for those with insurance.

“Insulin…it’s like the air we breathe,” Jennifer Wimpee said as she changes her insulin site.

Wimpee says next month will mark 28 years since she was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.

“Having diabetes has been the biggest blessing because I get to help other people, and I really understand what they go through,” Wimpee is a dietitian who helps others who have diabetes.

She’s seen her clients succeed, and also share struggles of affording medication.

“When I hear someone say they have to either have to choose to eat or get their medication, it’s heart wrenching,” Wimpee says.

The technology has come far—but at a cost, Dr. Alberto Chavez at the Texas Diabetes Institute.

“There’s been a struggle finding a middle ground to see something affordable for the majority of the people, but at the same time, it can be a game changer in the way we treat the disease,” Dr. Chavez said.

Walmart says its new brand of insulin launched with vials at $73 and flex pens at $85.

South Texans expect cost-sharing prices to be capped at $25 for a 30-day supply starting in September 1, for those with insurance. A new law passed during the legislative session would help make insulin more affordable for Texans on state-regulated health plans, according to the American Diabetes Association.

The ADA says Texas spends $26 billion in treating diabetes and its complications each year.

“Even people who don’t have type 1 but have type 2, they develop an insulin dependence, so it’s vital,” Wimpee said.

Wimpee says diabetes drives her to keep going in life—and says it can do the same for others.

“Diabetes is not a death sentence, it’s a great opportunity to concentrate on your health and wellbeing…I want other people to know they’re going to be okay as long as they take care of it,” Wimpee said.

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