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Call KENS: A glass contractor took nearly $2,500 and never came back

April Schummer hired Joe Munoz for a glass job and he never came back. After calling SAPD, and KENS 5, she got some of her money returned.

SAN ANTONIO — April Schummer paid Joe Munoz with San Antonio 24 Hour Glass for multiple glass panels as well as a countertop in April. The contractor came out to her home twice and collected a total of $2,471.79.  

Three months later, Munoz still hadn’t shown up with the glass and kept giving Schummer excuses.

“He made me all these promises over and over and over. He even said, ‘the glass is on the truck, head home.’ Then he didn’t answer,” Schummer said. 

Then Schummer saw Joe Munoz on TV and found out he had done this before.

KENS 5 already did one story on Munoz after homeowner Bertha Marin had the same experience. In that case, Munoz took $1,537, and didn’t provide a refund until KENS 5 got involved. 

Schummer also told Munoz she wanted a refund, and he said her checks were in the mail, but they didn’t show up. KENS 5 then reached out to Munoz and he told KENS he would pay her back by the upcoming Saturday.

He didn’t. 

At the same time, Schummer also called SAPD to make a theft report. KENS 5 then sent SAPD our previous story and additional information on the contractor. KENS 5 had previously discovered Mr. Munoz had already been convicted of theft at least 12 times in multiple Texas counties. 

An SAPD detective later told KENS 5 that criminal history can be a big factor in building a case. Find what SAPD needs to build an effective theft case here. 

SAPD then came out to interview Schummer about the theft and even had her identify his photo out of a lineup. 

“There were two detectives. I was very impressed with both of them. I had to follow a protocol and follow certain requirements,” Schummer said. “They had to collect evidence.”

Schummer said SAPD then reached out to Munoz and that seemed to change the situation. The contractor eventually refunded her $2,000 via a cash app. 

Schummer said she believes SAPD is still investigating the contractor at this point. 

KENS 5 also found out Munoz uses a name very similar to another established glass business. Munoz’s business is named “San Antonio 24 Hour Glass.”

There is a completely separate business in North San Antonio which is just named “24 Hour Glass.” That separate business, “24 Hour Glass,” is located on 314 E Nakoma Dr. The owner of 24 Hour Glass already told KENS 5 they have absolutely no connection to Joe Munoz.  

Schummer said she is thankful that SAPD is investigating Joe Munoz. She’s also glad she called KENS 5. 

“I absolutely feel like I got this far because of KENS 5,” Schummer said.  

If you have a problem like this, we want to help you fix it! In our series, Call KENS, we do our best to solve problems for our viewers. The number to call is 210-470-KENS, or fill out the form on this page. 

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