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Call KENS | 'Insuring' we make things right!

Many times, neither side of an argument sees things correctly, and it takes someone else to set it straight.

SAN ANTONIO — Antonio Martinez just wanted to make sure he and his 2007 Ford F-150 were protected, so he bought insurance. He says he chose to go with Freeway Insurance Company because it was a good rate and they offered monthly, automatic withdrawls.

He signed up with them on May 24, making a downpayment and agreed to make the second half of the payment on June 8th. He was in a position to make it earlier, so he made the second payment a couple of days early.

"Then on June 17th, they sent me a letter that I was cancelled" said Martinez. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Martinez drove to the office to get an explanation and says he was told it was canceled because he didn't make the payment.

When he tried showing them his debit statement, showing the payment did go through, Martinez saysw the office worker told him it didn't. Martinez says this went on for more than a month, and that's when he decided to "Call KENS."

We went by the office and the manager didn't want to go on camera, but he did point us to a corporate contact. After we called her, the very next day a spokesperson for Freeway sent us an email saying the immediately did an internal investigation and found the problem.

The statement after an internal investigation, the found Mr. Martinez did make the payment, but it was a couple of days early and that created the issue. Mr. Martinez did have insurance for the one month period and to rectify the situation, they would be sending him a $100 check.

If you have a problem like this, we want to help you fix it! In our series, Call KENS, we do our best to solve problems for our viewers. The number is call is 210-470-KENS, or fill out the form on this page. 


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