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Call KENS: My apartment is flooded with sewage!

A woman says her apartment sewer backed up into her home and it took management way to long to make things right.

SAN ANTONIO, Texas — Imagine you open your eyes in the morning, something smells horrible...and when you swing your legs out of bed and touch the floor, its wet! Terri Gusler says it happened to her. She literally stepped into a lake of sewage. So she called KENS.

"It was awful. I woke up stepping in it, I was slipping down falling, and I didn’t want to fall in it so I had to be very careful," said Gusler. What made it worse is, Gusler had back surgery and had to be extremely careful. She says she couldn't cook, it ruined her clothes, her food everything.

This is where the story gets a little controversial. Gusler says she notified management and they didn't do much of anything. She says she tried to get in touch with the property manager, but she was always gone and all she could do was leave a message.

The property manager, who would only identify herself as Zoe, says that's simply not true! Zoe told us they immediately moved Gusler to a hotel, then three or four days later provided Gusler with an efficiency apartment, on the same property, then had their crew and a plumber start working on the issue.

By the time Gusler called us, it had been two weeks since the initial flooding. When we showed up, Gusler's apartment was still filthy with sewage and there was a huge hole dug just outside of her apartment, going under the building... but no workers anywhere in sight.

We made several trips back to the complex to see if the work was being done and each time it looked as if nothing had progressed. We called the office several times and each time it went to voicemail. We left messages but never received a return phone call.

We finally tracked down the owner of the building and sent him an email. He responded within a day or two, as did Zoe saying she had been on vacation, but the work had been completed as promised, the apartment and everything in it had been sanitized and Ms. Gusler had moved back in. 

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