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Call KENS: Why don't you 're-stock' my wallet!

A woman claims she was hit with a re-stocking fee, after cancelling her order, that never was shipped!

SAN ANTONIO — Ruth Johnson says she just wanted a place to keep her clothes and her television. 

Johnson, who has health problems is forced to spend a lot of time in bed. The problem was she didn't have a good enough place to set her TV.

She ended up going to Furniture Now on Nacodogches Rd. and picked out an armoire, but it had to be ordered. Johnson paid the almost $2400, including delivery upfront. 

"I was told it would be a week or two at most" says Johnson. After a week Johnson called and the Manager, Eric told her it would be another week. 

Fast forward to more than a month and Johnson still didn't have her armoire. When she called, Eric said to give him more time, but Johnson didn't want to wait any longer and cancelled the order. When her husband went to pick up the money, he says Eric gave him a sealed envelope.

Eric sat down in the store and counted it, It was only $1900. When he asked why it was short more than $400, he says Eric told him it was a "re-stocking fee." When Johnson saw the money she says he called Eric and was told "That just the way it is and that's it! That was the end of it."

No, said Johnson, I'll Call KENS! 

When we went to the store, we were told Eric was no longer employed there and the two women we spoke with couldn't have been more open. They said they didn't know that was all Eric gave back to John...and they would be happy to give her the rest of the money back, which they did! 

If you have a problem like this, we want to help you fix it! In our new series, Call KENS, we do our best to solve problems for our viewers. The number is call is 210-470-KENS, or fill out the form on this page. 

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