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Homeowner demands action from city after SUV crashes into north-side home, marking third such incident in a few years

Hina Martin says it’s time for the City of San Antonio to do something to improve safety at the neighborhood intersection.

SAN ANTONIO — For the third time in the last few years, an out-of-control vehicle crashed all the way through a garage and into a home just north of North Star Mall.

It happened shortly before 8 a.m. Wednesday morning at the intersection of McCullough Avenue and Coronet Street. Nobody was in the house at the time, but homeowner Hina Martin said, “I came to look and I was literally crying because you know, it’s a good thing no one was hurt!”

Fire department radio broadcasts from the scene summed up the situation succinctly: “The vehicle went through the garage, went through the kitchen and almost exited the rear of the structure.”

Firefighters told the homeowner the driver had some sort of medical episode and lost control. But because it’s the third time this has happened, Martin said it’s time for the City of San Antonio to take action in order to improve safety.

"Since I bought in 2018, this is the third time there is a big incident like this," Martin said, adding she has asked the city for permission to install some kind of protective barrier three times before being turned down each time. 

Credit: KENS
The aftermath of an SUV crashing into Hina Martin's north-San-Antonio home.

Martin’s house is situated at a T-intersection where the road changes direction, but often drivers do not.

“I need a private fence also, because why? I need to wait until someone dies? No!” Martin said.

She says she was told she needed approval from her homeowners association, but says her neighborhood doesn't even have one.

Martin said she is worried about insurance coverage related to the repeated problems. The last time this happened, she said, her coverage wasn’t enough to pay for all the damage.

A spokesperson for the city’s Development Services Department said while they are looking into the matter, an initial search revealed no record of a previous permit application from the Coronet Street address.

The problem may rest in jurisdiction. They say signage and speed control devices are under the control of the Public Works Department, while fencing on private property falls under Development Services.

“This time I need to take action,” Martin said, adding she will rely on a higher power while waiting for a decision. “Pray to God to at least not (have) any incident happen to any other house like this."

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