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Balcones Heights police chief investigating claims of excessive force during traffic stop

The incident happened this past Saturday night when a police officer spotted a vehicle with a broken headlight.

BALCONES HEIGHTS, Texas — The Balcones Heights Police chief is investigating claims of excessive force from a traffic stop on August 24.

During the stop, the two teenagers involved claimed the officer’s actions were out of line.

18-year-old Jayden Zimmerle said on Saturday night, he and his friend, Giovanni Ramirez, also 18, went for a test drive on a car they were fixing up.

“We’re on Fredericksburg at a stop sign and I turned right and that’s when I seen that cop make a fat u-turn,” Zimmerle said.

It was about 11:30 at night and Zimmerle said he noticed the cop started following them.

“I see him excessively speeding towards me and I know he’s about to light me up,” Zimmerle said.

Zimmerle said he followed advice his mom had given him in the past to put on his hazard lights and drive to safe a location before pulling over. So, he drove less than a mile home.

“We get to my house, I pull in,” Zimmerle said. “I’m not speeding at all.”

Balcones Heights Police Chief John Jahanara told KENS 5 over the phone; his officer said the driver was evading him. As a result, the officer drew out his weapon once the teens stopped. The chief also added dash camera video confirmed the hazard lights were on.

Zimmerle said they both complied with the officer as he asked them to get out of the vehicle with their arms up and then get on the ground.

“We were like how was your day? And he was all like shut up,” Zimmerle said.

Ramirez claimed the officer called him an ‘Edgar’.

“Which is like people with this type of haircut, and it just felt like he was calling me slurs,” Ramirez said. “I told him I have a name sir, and he just ignored me.”

They admit they started to talk back to the officer.

“I guess Gio said something that triggered his anger,” Zimmerle said.

And it is the moment after, they claimed the officer was using excessive force.

“I didn’t know what he was doing,” Ramirez said. “I just felt punches, force to my face and my head.”

The police chief said his officers told him Ramirez had reached for his leg, so that is what prompted his use of force. The chief added, the body camera video did not capture a leg grab because of where it was positioned. Ramirez said it did not happen.

All while this was unfolding, Zimmerle’s father was outside the home as a witness. He was also placed in handcuffs at one point.

“I thought we were going to go to jail,” Zimmerle said.

Zimmerle’s mother came outside as well. That is when they said things started to deescalate. Eventually, they were all let out of their handcuffs and Zimmerle was ticketed for driving without insurance.

“You’re supposed to protect and to serve,” Zimmerle said.

Ramirez said he went to the hospital the next day and according to a medical record, he was diagnosed with a concussion and bruising. He said he wants the officer involved off the force.

KENS 5 filed an open records request for the body camera video and dash camera video. The police chief said once the internal investigation is complete, he will release the videos.

He expects the investigation to wrap up by early next week.

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