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San Antonio wins federal law enforcement grant worth millions to bring 50 new officers on the force

The $6.25 million to pay for the program came from the United States DOJ. The effort is called COPS, for Community Oriented Policing Services.

SAN ANTONIO — For San Antonians concerned about personal safety it’s a welcome development.

The city has been awarded a grant of $6.2 million to hire 50 new police officers over a three year period.

“We are one of four departments in the country that was awarded 50 new officers. It is a really, really big deal!” Police Chief William McManus said at a morning news conference.

Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23), who helped broker the deal, said “Adding these 50 police officers to the equation is a game changer in many ways.”

Gonzales said many people and agencies working together were able to submit a winning proposal.

“We've seen the rise in violence against police officers, just a rise in crime in general," Gonzales said. "And it's not only a San Antonio issue, it's across the nation, but what I love about it is once again, we are a community that is forward leaning.  We are a community that comes together and finds a way for solutions, not just rhetoric.”

Melissa Cabello Havrda represents District 6 on the San Antonio City Council.  

“The plan we have in place is strategic an proactive. Our goal is to deliver the safe community that our residents demand and deserve,” she said.

City Manager Erik Walsh said residents won’t have to wait long to see changes being made, with five full training academy classes on the books for the next fiscal year.

“We are actively recruiting and that work will continue,” Walsh said.

Police Chief William McManus said when the new officers go out on patrol they will be well prepared.

“We have probably the best training academy in the country, bar none, so when they take the streets, they are ready for whatever comes at them,” McManus said.

McManus said one goal of the new initiative is to give officers more discretionary time to develop relationships with the people they serve. McManus said instead of running from call to call, officers will have time to talk with people about their needs and then work together on effective strategies.

Money to pay for the program came from the United States Department of Justice. The effort is called COPS, for Community Oriented Policing Services. The money will be delivered over a three-year period.

McManus said he is proud that San Antonio is one of only four cities in the country to be awarded the maximum number of officers allowed by the program.

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