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Woman sues the city over alleged attack at airport cell phone lot

The lawsuit filed last week claims the city did not provide adequate security at the lot.

SAN ANTONIO — The City of San Antonio is at the center of a lawsuit over an alleged attack near the airport. 

A woman claims she was assaulted while waiting in the cell phone lot and she wants the city to be held accountable.

The woman, Elizabeth Ann Kelm, was not ready to speak on camera about her experience but wanted people to know what happened to her.

The lawsuit was filed last Thursday by attorney Sylvan Lang. It claims on July 4, 2022 Kelm pulled into the lot around 11:15 p.m. as she was waiting for her husband and son.

While she was parked, the lawsuit states she was violently assaulted by a young man. During the assault, it states Kelm was hit multiple times in the face, head and neck.

At one point, it claims the suspect threatened to sexually assault her, telling her it was going to happen “whether you liked it or not, alive or dead.” It states the suspect then jerked her body, removing her clothes from the waist down.

It goes on to explain how she fought off the suspect and he eventually ran to a nearby convenience store where police caught up to him. The suspect as charged with attempted aggravated sexual assault.

Earlier this month, a judge found the suspect not guilty by reason of insanity after the court ordered a psychiatric evaluation.

The lawsuit states Kelm has "required extensive medical treatment to address her severe and debilitating injuries, including torn muscles and post-traumatic stress disorder, in the years after the attack.”

It alleges the city failed to provide adequate lighting, security and video recording for the lot. According to the community crime map in San Antonio, there have been at least two reports of assaults in the cell phone lot since the alleged attack.

Kelm is asking for anywhere between $250,000 to a million dollars.

The City Attorney’s Office released this statement in response to the story:

“The City has not yet been served with the suit. The City will investigate the claims and address them in the litigation.”



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