Forty children from the Cassiano Homes Apartments now have shiny new bikes thanks to the Guadalupe Street Earn-A-Bike Co-op. The children had to complete two, 4-hour programs Saturday and Sunday that focused on bicycle safety, etiquette, and maintenance.
Earn-A-Bike President and founder Christian Sandoval said the program was created to teach kids the value of hard work, in addition to giving them a new ride.
The children were also educated on healthy eating and basic nutrition so their new wheels could help them lead healthier lives. As the children continue to ride, Earn-A-Bike will track their time on the bike and see if it will truly make them more active.
The Earn-A-Bike Program also takes special steps to make sure the bikes stay with the children. Each bike comes with a unique, registered serial number and every child was photographed with their bike. This information is kept on the Earn-A-Bike website and sent to pawn shops ahead of time so the shops will be wary of potential thieves.
Community members said receiving the bikes is a true blessing, especially during Christmas, as many would not have been able to afford them otherwise.