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Kirby police: Man impersonating a state inspector targeted family-owned businesses

A man claiming he worked for the state is now facing a third-degree felony charge after demanding payments.

SAN ANTONIO — Ricky Campos is a mechanic at his dad’s shop, Rico’s Garage. He was working underneath a car when Laprentice James County arrived. 

According to the affidavit, County stated he was there to "perform a fire inspection - taking a look at the three extinguishers" and spoke with Campos' dad.

“I know he told him that he was going to be back like Monday or Tuesday to inspect them and pass them and whatnot,” Campos said. 

Ricky told police that County replaced one extinguisher, charging him $205.

But Kirby police say County didn’t stop there. Right next door, an employee at V & M Paint Supplies who wanted to remain anonymous says County flashed a badge and inspected that business's fire extinguishers.

“I thought he was official," they said. "So I was like, 'Yeah, OK, sure. Whatever the state says, I’m gonna do.'”

The employee says County went to this shop and another V & M Paint Supplies at another location, charging nearly $600.

Both business are out several hundred dollars, but they say their loss of trust could be greater.

“We lost money," they said. "We lost our confidence in people who said they’re officials. Now I’m going to have to look into it more than what I did the last time.”

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