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Who killed Meagan Gonzales? | Local father continues pursuit to find daughter's killer

"I'm going to get justice for her, and I'm going to be the one to go to the cemetery and let her know."

BEXAR COUNTY, Texas — It's been nearly 4 years since the body of Meagan Gonzales was found burned, in far Southwest Bexar County.  Although the case remains unsolved, her father Eddie Gonzales is hopeful the people responsible for her death will be caught.

"I'm going to get justice for her, and I'm going to  be the one to go to the cemetery and let her know," said Eddie Gonzales.

Gonzales says the holidays are a tough time for him, because he and Meagan use to decorate together.

"This is the time that I get real sentimental, because this is about the time that she got taken away from me," said Gonzales.

Gonzales says Meagan was a smart girl, always willing to help a friend in need.  He says she trusted everyone, and that was something that worried him.

"I remember she always  wanted to give rides to people, and you know I was like no, no Meagan, you got to slow down," said Gonzales. 

November 10th, 2019 would be the last time he would see his daughter, after Meagan left home.

"She never made it home, to the jury duty, nor to her work and that was kind of suspicious to me, like that was not my baby," said Gonzales. 

Gonzales says the next day he got a text message, but he says he believes it was not Meagan texting, and she was being held against her will.

He contacted police, but they didn't think she was missing, he says finally after contacting them a 3rd time, and after a week went by, they filed a missing persons report.

Meagan's body was eventually found a few weeks later, burned in Southwest Bexar County. The case remains unsolved.

"There is people of interest that I know of," said Gonzales. 

Gonzales says finding who killed her would bring some relief, and close a painful chapter in his life.

"Which I know somebody out there, knows something and I wish they would come forward," said Gonzales. 

He takes some comfort seeing Meagan in a dream where he made a promise.

"She was telling me dad, I want you to get justice for me, and I woke up. I remember, I was telling her in the dream, yes I will," said Gonzales. 


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