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Nearly one month after Wedgwood fire, residents still face challenges

Former Wedgwood residents preparing to collect their belongings from their damaged apartment building, are warned to protect themselves from toxic fumes when they enter.
Wedgwoods' website said residents who lived on those floors will either be scheduled on another date or have individual meetings with residents set up.

ID=22304969Former Wedgwood residents preparing to collect their belongings from their damaged apartment building were warned to protect themselves from toxic fumes when they enter.

When former resident Jay Troendle goes back to get his necessary items, he said he was told he'll need to wear a protective mask.

Troendle said this is just another week of challenges from living without a personal home since the fire in December .

"Possibly another couple of weeks until I get my furniture, I'm not going to move into a place and live on the floor," he said.

His furniture still sits in his apartment on the third floor of the Wedgwood along with everything else he owns.

"Things, lots of it is irreplaceable and I want it, or else," he said.

It's been a frustrating 2015 for Troendle and other former residents of the senior living center.

Last week, management released of list of dates when residents will be allowed to return to their home and get their things, but Troendle said it won't be easy.

"We'll have to wear protective clothing even maybe a mask, all that, because of the toxic fumes in the place," he said. "If that's the only way I can get it I guess that's it."

At this point he says he's seen enough and collecting a container of his things offers some measure of comfort, even if he has to patient a little longer.

"Might be a couple of months before I get it all...I can wait."

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