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New skateparks, playground canopies, sports courts planned for San Antonio parks in 2025

The San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department explains that additions to each park are determined based on feedback and community input from neighbors.

SAN ANTONIO — The San Antonio Parks and Recreation department is proposing a budget of over $117 million in the upcoming fiscal year.

As the city grows, the parks and recreation department is also planning on expanding and enhancing the park system.

"We know we have more people living in San Antonio and our park system continues to grow as well," said Connie Swann, marketing manager for the department. "It's not just about the green spaces, but it's about providing that programing component, education and opportunities for kids to enhance what they learn in school. It's a holistic approach."

Some upgrades that the department has planned are a continuation from this past year. That includes installing canopies over playgrounds to cool down the equipment in hot summer months. 

"We're set to complete 13 playground shade structures at 12 different parks, and next year we're going to continue that with an additional 12 playgrounds at 12 parks," Swann said. "That was a huge initiative that the community we heard the community wanted and we know it's getting hotter, and so we want to make sure that our playgrounds are accessible year-round."

Other plans include adding and expanding skate parks. Two skate parks are currently being designed, while others are set to open later this year.

"We have a skate park expansion at Rosedale Park on the west-side that's coming online pretty soon this fall," Swann said. "Also this fall, we're opening up a new park, the Berkeley V and Vincent M Dawson Park on the east-side which includes a beginner skate park and an advanced skate park. Another skate park that's in design currently is for Southside Lions Park and for Benavides Park."

Sports courts are also set to open late this year, or 2025.

"We have new basketball court coming to be Jupe Manor Park," Swann said. "Pickleball is coming to New territories Park and other locations throughout the city."

Other amenities and enhancements in some parks include better lighting, new trails and mountain biking options including a cyclocross course planned for Lady Bird Johnson Park. Swann explains that additions to each park are determined based on feedback and community input from neighbors.  

"We really listen to the community and each community neighborhood is different," Swann said. "Some people want pickleball courts, some people prefer to have a skate park, and so we listen to that feedback and then that's what drives what projects we put in wet areas of town."

Julia Alanis, who usually decides which park she takes her 8-year-old based on amenities, is excited for the amenities and the new options. 

"We look around to see what's an option for the day or for the week that we're going to go out  or depending on what area of town where we look for a park," Alanis said. 

City council is planned to finalize and adopt the 2025 fiscal year budget next Thursday, on September 19. 

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