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'I was kind of panicked' | Clerical mistake leads to skyrocketing rents for fixed-income senior residents

Fairfield Residential, which manages the Sorento Apartments, confirmed the error has been fixed and residents have been notified.

SAN ANTONIO — Senior residents living at a northwest side apartment complex were alarmed when they learned their rent suddenly skyrocketed. It turns out a clerical error on the part of the management company is to blame.

Fairfield Residential manages properties nationwide, including the Sorento Apartments in San Antonio. The complex offers an affordable housing program for “seniors with moderate incomes allowing below market rents for those who qualify.” 

One resident who preferred to go by the name “Cookie” has been a tenant at Sorento Apartments for 13 years. She asked KENS 5 not to use her real name or show her face because of concerns with apartment management.

“I was kind of panicked,” Cookie said.

Cookie said she was one of at least 20 senior tenants living in uncertainty after learning rent would dramatically increase starting August 1.

“The people that I have spoken to have doubled anywhere from 150 on up to 1,000 dollars a month,” Cookie said.

Opportunity Home covers a majority of rent for older residents such as Cookie. She learned her share of rent was set to go from under $300 to almost $700 a month, leaving her little to cover other necessities.

“Like food, co-pays for doctors’ visits, things for the car, auto insurance,” Cookie said, who’s worried about her neighbors as well. “They’re wondering how they’re going to make it, some people have already moved out. A lot of these people are more elderly than I am and some are just having a very tough time with it.” 

Residents met with property management and Opportunity Home on Friday where they learned of an error that occurred on Fairfield Residential’s end. 

“It was puzzling to me. Something doesn’t seem right but I’ll give them a chance,” Cookie said.

A spokesman with Fairfield Residential confirmed with KENS 5 over the phone that a “clerical mistake” occurred that led to the rising rents. The error has since been addressed and cooperation with Opportunity Home is underway. 

Cookie spoke with an Opportunity Home representative Monday afternoon where she learned of the favorable news that she’d no longer be paying the increased amount. 

A spokesperson with Opportunity Home stressed their commitment to ensuring impacted residents at the Sorento Apartments are served on a one-on-one basis.

The statement in full:

Opportunity Home’s Assisted Housing Programs team is working with the property management, Fairfield Residential, to review rental change requests to ensure Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) residents can remain in their homes at The Sorento Apartments. The property did not intend for the increases to significantly increase the resident portion and now better understands how the subsidy is applied to the residents rent.

Our Assisted Housing Program team is also working with the HCV participants at The Sorento Apartments directly to review their cases individually. Informal conference reviews are available for all residents. Additionally, residents with documented medical disabilities can request a reasonable accommodation if needed as part of the HCV program.

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