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SA teen working to bring essential information to those coming across the border | Kids Who Make SA Great

The teens compassion shines through her work to help those coming across the border.

SAN ANTONIO — We've all seen the images, migrants crossing the border with hopes of finding something better for themselves and their children.

16-year-old Maya Lopez personally knows the stories of these migrants. 

"My family is from El Paso and my mother, my aunt and my grandparents immigrated here from Mexico," Lopez said. 

When it came time for this Girl Scout to think about starting her Gold Award Project, the border and the families who have traveled so many miles for something better weighed on her heart.

"I wanted to help them, even if it was just providing some information, because I knew they were very susceptible to being trafficked and they are a very vulnerable population," Lopez said.

Credit: Maya Lopez
Maya Lopez creates informational flyer for families arriving from across the border.

Lopez got to work on her computer putting together essential information.

"What I wanted to make was a cultural orientation to the United States," Lopez said.

Information those new to the country might not know. 

"I called it the Orientacion Cultural," Lopez said.

Her pamphlet covering everything from interactions with police officers, food assistance and basic English phrases as well as warnings. 

"This whole section is about how to avoid being trafficked. That was a really important topic I wanted to focus on, and so we ended up putting a picture of the universal sign for help," Lopez said.

Her family's church in El Paso reviewing the handout and wanting a draft they could pass out right away.

"They were immediately on board with it and they wanted to use it immediately," Lopez said.

The high school sophomore is rushing to get the details finalized, so the congregation could offer them to families who have just arrived. 

"I'm very glad that I finished it, and that I got to help a lot of people, and that the church was very grateful for it," Lopez said. 

Her work has earned Lopez a Gold Award in Girl Scouting, but also a newfound passion for helping those looking for a better life. 

"I want to continue to serve vulnerable populations, especially because of my family immigrated [here], so I want to help out people like that," Lopez said.




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