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Boys rescue drowning dog from lake

Jacob Jensen and Mason Willet were fishing when they spotted a dog named Chester struggling to keep his head above water.

MILLE LACS, Minn. — A 14-year-old dog named Chester is alive thanks to two 9th graders from Andover who saw him struggling in a lake near Mille Lacs.

Jacob Jensen and Mason Willet often go fishing and last Sunday they were with Jacob's grandfather Vern Wagner. The three were in Wagner's boat on Sugar Lake not far from shore in about five feet of water when they first spotted Chester.

"The dog was bobbing up and down, struggling to keep its head out of the water," said Wagner. 

"I thought the dog is probably drowning," said Jacob, and Mason asked if the boys could jump in as the dog slipped under the water.

"I looked down and I saw this inert dog not moving, nothing, laying on the bottom, and seconds later, they got him," said Wagner.

"I just kept its head above the water and kind of floated it so it was lighter," explained Jacob. "The second I got him up on the dock, I started chest compressions."

The two, who are now 9th graders, learned to do CPR three years ago. Never did they think the strategy to save humans, would work on a dog. 

"I didn't know anything about dog CPR, so I looked up a vet and called and they told me to put the dog in the sphinx position and then to press on its side," said Wagner. 

"Honestly I was kind of in shock and just watching until he got tired," said Mason about his friend. "I know I helped doing the CPR and when I got tired, he started doing it and I ran off trying to find the owner."

They wouldn't have known it at the time, but the boys say the dog's owner told them Chester may very well have had trouble walking because it had just been vaccinated for Lyme disease. 

It wasn't long after, Jacob noticed the dog started to pant. He stayed nearby as the dog continued throwing up water. 

"The owner was very appreciative," said Wagner. "I think he was stunned by what had happened."

"We ended up just going off and let them have some time together and eventually the dog apparently got better and they got back in the house and took a nap," said Mason. 

The two say they didn't think twice about their decision to help and Wagner called their actions remarkable. 

"I'm very proud and I'm very impressed," said Wagner. 

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