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Local pianist receives free hearing aids to help teach his granddaughter how to play the piano

Hearing specialists say Rolando Montes has severe hearing loss as well as profound loss of word recognition.

SAN ANTONIO — The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that by 2050 more than 700 million people – or 1 in 10 people – will have disabling hearing loss. For one San Antonio man, having lost his hearing over time has complicated his life but that’s not the end of his story.

Waiting with bated breath in the office of HearingLife of San Antonio, is 87-year-old Rolando Montes.

“I’ve been waiting for this for a long time,” Montes said.

Entertaining became difficult for him years ago.

“I cannot hear when I’m playing the wrong note or the high notes," Montes said. "I hope now I’m going to be able to."

He recently took on full custody of his 10-year-old granddaughter, Alejandra.

“She’s so smart, I’m teaching her how to play piano.”

Taking on the responsibility of raising a teenager in his wiser years – hasn’t been easy financially. But he’ll doing anything for Alejandra.

Maddie Harris with HearingLife of San Antonio nominated Montes for their campaign for better hearing.

“It’s great, I’ve cried about it multiple times,” Harris said. " He didn’t really even think he was going to get any hearing aids. he was just trying to decide is there something going on with my hearing. He wasn’t even worried about himself."

Now Montes will be able to hear every note that he plays with his granddaughter.

“We’ll continue until the lord says, right here,” he said.

HearingLife of San Antonio provides free hearing tests for the community amongst other services. Click here to learn more.

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