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'Once you start, you're not going to want to stop,' | San Antonio ACS offers course encouraging more fosters in the community

"We have so many dogs and cats at the shelter, that are in need," said Lisa Norwood, San Antonio ACS.

SAN ANTONIO — According to the latest numbers available online, in the month of July 2024, San Antonio Animal Care Services reported more than 1,200 dog and cats available for adoption.  

In the same month, nearly 300 were euthanized for space.

"We have so many dogs and cats here at the shelter that are in need," said Lisa Norwood, Public Relations & Outreach Manager, San Antonio ACS.

Every week hundreds of pets are brought into the ACS Shelter, on Highway 151.

Officials say pets need time to decompress, and learn how to become family pets, before finding their forever homes, that's where fosters play a big role.

"Fostering is basically when people decide that they're willing to help the shelter, by becoming temporary pet parents," said Norwood.

Norwood says they realize not everyone can adopt, but they can help for a little bit.

"One of the things that our fosters always tell us that helps them get through the process, is that they understand they're helping not only save that pet's life, but the lives of the pets that are coming behind them that now have kennel space," said Norwood

On Sunday ACS held a class as part of their Sit, Stay, Learn series, focusing on the benefits of fostering.

The course teaches people what it's like to foster and the perks of the foster program.

"We provide food. We provide all of the supplies. If there's a crate that's needed, litter boxes for cats, and certainly, we provide all of the medical care," said Norwood

Norwood says fostering, also helps the shelter learn about a pet's personality.

"Every single animal has their own personality. The fostering process lets us get that much closer to finding out who is this dog or who is this cat, that in turn helps us get them adopted," said Norwood

With animals always coming in, there is always animals in need. Norwood says that's why they always need fosters.

"I guarantee you, once you start, you're not going to want to stop," said Norwood.

While new and prospective pet fosters are welcome, all companion animals should be left home. Residents can email acsfoster@sanantonio.gov to sign up as pet parents and get more information about upcoming orientation courses.


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