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'I couldn’t believe it': Philanthropist helps local man receive accordion for Christmas

When Edwin Davison met an autistic man who had been playing the accordion for years, he wanted to get the man a new one for Christmas. But how would he pay for it?

SAN ANTONIO — Accordionist Edwin Davison met Zach Novak through a family friend. Novak, a 27-year-old with autism, also played the instrument and had done so for 17 years. He’s even recorded a CD of “Czech favorites.”  After hearing the young man play, Davison was instantly impressed. 

“For him to be playing since age 10 and accomplishing what he’s doing right now, I fell in love with him,” Davison said. 

But Davison also noticed, Novak’s accordion was very old. He wanted the young man to have an instrument worthy of his skills, and to have it by Christmas. 

Unfortunately, a new accordion is $6000. Davison started a GoFundMe in mid-November and pitched in $1000. The fundraiser quickly raised over $4,000 but then suddenly stalled. Davison continued to post about the fundraiser on social media and even wrote some letters asking for funds. He wasn’t able to make any progress.

Then, one week until Christmas, Davison was beginning to realize they weren’t going to be able to raise enough. While sitting in church that Sunday morning, he decided to pray for help. 

“Hagee was preaching on miracles, so I prayed for a miracle myself. I said, ‘God help me reach that goal,’” Davison said. 

Little did Davidson know, a local philanthropist had just found out about the Fundraiser a day or two before. Davison had written a letter to Gordon Hartman, the founder and owner of Morgan’s Wonderland. Hartman has created multiple initiatives to support inclusion and help people with disabilities live successful and fulfilling lives. Hartman had read Novak’s story and he, too, was inspired. 

“He is a young man who had done incredible work and can play beautiful music with an accordion,” Hartman said. “It fit perfectly with what we are about…we immediately jumped on it and I said ‘whatever it takes to make sure Zach gets his accordion, get it done.”

When Edwin Davison returned from Church that Sunday afternoon, his fundraiser suddenly had the money it needed. Hartman had paid every remaining penny that was needed. 

“The full amount had been paid,” Davison said. “That was the miracle of this whole thing… I was elated. I couldn’t believe it.”

A total of 65 people contributed to the fundraiser with many giving $50 or $100. Together, they made Davison’s hope a reality. 

Davison ordered the accordion from Wisconsin right away and it was under the Novak’s Christmas tree on Christmas morning.

Still in his pajamas, Novak recorded a video thanking everyone who had made it possible. He did this, of course, while playing the accordion.

Hartman told KENS 5 he will invite Zach Novack to perform at Morgan’s Wonderland when they reopen in March. 

“It’s incredibly inspirational and it fits in with what I see all the time when it comes to individuals with special needs and disabilities. When given the opportunity to do things, they can do amazing things. They can do things well beyond expectations,” Hartman said. “We have to give them that chance. Now that he has that he will play some incredible music. What we are looking forward to is having him come to Morgan’s Wonderland when our season opens in 2023 to play for our guests as well.”

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