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SAISD's after-school program will continue for middle school students

Mother of two, Teresa Maldonado, is relieved that the district has added a budget enhancement of $515,600 to maintain services to all schools and grades.

SAN ANTONIO — San Antonio ISD’s total approved budget for the 2024-2025 school year is nearly $538 million. Initially there were concerns if there were enough funds to allow middle school students to remain a part of the district’s after-school program.

There was a brief period where the district was considering cutting funding for an after-school program for its sixth, seventh, and eighth graders. But the district acted quickly and found the funds. 

Parents like Teresa Maldonado are relieved.

“We don’t have anybody else that can help us with childcare, especially after-school childcare," Maldonado said. "So it’s not just a concern for the parents that have children in middle school but like throughout the whole community.”

A mother of two, Maldonado is happy she will be able to keep her child enrolled.

“I’m glad that our students will be in a safe place this next coming school year,” she said.

After-school programs had been funded by a grant, which just ended. On Tuesday, the district added $515,600 to maintain services to all schools and grades, including the after-school program for middle-schoolers. Maldonado is relieved, she says parents like her have already established relationships with staff at the YMCA.

“When we pick up or we drop off, a lot of the staff members already know you," Maldonado said. "‘Oh, you’re the parent of so and so’s student and this student.’”

Echoing her relief is a fellow parent, Alicia Ybarra, mom to sixth grader Elvis and second grader Stella.

“Families with children in different grade levels or even sometimes different campuses, it’s important to have your kids together, be able to pick them up,” Ybarra said.

Common concerns that parents like Ybarra and Maldonado can put to rest now that the after-school program will be available for sixth, seventh and eighth graders.

"It just gives extra security when I know the kids are together and that was a concern for me," Ybarra said.

Information about the after-school program for middle school students will be posted to the district’s extended day website here, when more details are available.



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