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Sen. Roland Gutierrez asks Texas Senate to demand accountability from Texas DPS

Sen. Gutierrez issued a letter Tuesday calling on Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick to demand the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice oversee DPS investigation.

UVALDE, Texas — Texas State Senator Roland Gutierrez issued a letter Tuesday calling on Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick to demand that the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice oversee the DPS’s investigation of its inaction and failures during the attack on Robb Elementary in Uvalde.

The related video above was originally published July 10, 2022.

Gutierrez issued the following statement concerning DPS’s internal investigation:

“Yesterday, every Texan woke up to the reality that the law enforcement response to the Uvalde school shooting was plagued with systemic failures. Specifically, DPS, along with other highly trained and equipped law enforcement officers, failed to assume command amidst the chaos at Robb Elementary. Active shooter protocol did not take precedence as dictated by all rapid response training since Columbine.

“In response to the latest public report of this failure, DPS has initiated an internal investigation to determine whether or if DPS violated any policies or laws. This response comes 55 days after the school shooting and it raises many concerns. In those 55 days, DPS has trafficked in misinformation and prevented the disclosure of public information to Uvalde families. Can Texans trust this state agency to investigate itself? I surely cannot.

“Today, I am requesting that the Lieutenant Governor and Legislature demand accountability from DPS by requiring the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice oversee DPS’ internal investigation. We owe it to the Uvalde families to give them full answers. And, we owe every Texan a future in which they are safe and secure from this kind of horrific mass gun violence.”

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