SAN ANTONIO — Construction on the St. Mary's strip has been ongoing for years. The construction is part of the voter approved 2017 bond project.
Councilwoman Sukh Kaur says Saturday's construction will be the last full day of construction as contractors lay the final asphalt at the intersection of St. Mary's and Ashby.
Business owner Darryl Starr of Kraft Professional Dry Cleaning says the nearly 3 years of construction in the area has cut into his business.
"The roads were closed for so long that people that were use to making their way downtown, on their way to work in the mornings and dropping off their dry cleaning were finding other routes to downtown, Therefore we were no longer convenient." Says Starr
Councilwoman Kaur says they want to bring back some support for small businesses in the community as well as improve the quality of life for residents. She also adds there has been some trust lost with the neighborhood and the small businesses on the strip and she wants to repair that.
Starr says he hopes the next time the city begins a construction project they can plan it better. Kaur says the city will now reflect and take a deep dive on how they can improve the process.
"What happened? Why this took so long, and what can we as a city learn from this situation." Says Kaur
The project is expected to be completed in early August.