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Mountain of garbage at west-side apartment complex frustrating residents, gets picked up

A neighbor resorted to tossing bleach in the area to keep rats away.

SAN ANTONIO — A pile of garbage at a west-side apartment complex was not only unsightly for the tenants who live there; it was also a breeding ground for pests. 

One resident said that, despite several calls to code compliance, she had been dealing with it for years.

“The smell, the flies, at night you could see possums, homeless people going through the trash and taking everything out," she said. 

Every day this neighbor had a pungent reminder of what’s outside her door.

“One dumpster for all those apartments is not enough," she said. “So many arguments with people, not that I want to argue, but I say, 'Hey, you don’t live here. Why are you throwing trash back there?' They’ll come and drop off, stoves, refrigerators, furniture.”

This resident has lived near the University Apartments at 2331 Cincinnati Avenue for 14 years. She said she had resorted to tossing bleach in the area to keep rats away. 

She said she called KENS 5 to see if we could get the area cleaned up. About two hours after our crew arrived, the resident we spoke with informed us that a garbage truck picked up the majority of debris.

The property manager said the mess was the responsibility of the city. In a statement, they called it an "isolated issue," adding they were taking steps to ensure the complex was clean. 

"Unfortunately, these things can occasionally happen on properties, but we have waste management protocols in place to prevent any long-term issues," the property manager went on to say. "We appreciate the community’s patience and assure everyone that the situation is under control. There is no ongoing concern, and we are and always have been committed to maintaining high standards at our properties."

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