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Bexar County poll clerk volunteering for the first-time

Poll workers are essential to ensure voting integrity and success of the election system. Meet one volunteer who stepped up to help for the first time.

SAN ANTONIO — Your KENS 5 Voter Team is covering various election stories leading up to November 3. The goal is to help voters better understand the process and learn who's part of the election system.

We spoke with one poll clerk who was undergoing training at the Bexar County Elections Department. Deborah McNabb is a retired gynecologist. She said one of the big reasons why she wanted to volunteer for the first time was to help fill the gap. The coronavirus led to an election worker shortage across the nation. The majority of the volunteers have been seniors and considered high-risk for the virus.

McNabb said there are safety measures in place like plexiglass, hand sanitizer and wipes to protect everyone at the Bexar County elections office. She has masks, gloves and face shields as well. 

She shared her own political concerns this election period and emphasized that poll workers like her will ensure voters will be able to exercise their right.

“With a new Supreme Court justice, we may see the Affordable Care Act overturned. So, that would take away health insurance from millions of people. It’s also important to me for women to have reproductive healthcare choices because as a retired gynecologist, I know that women have always had abortions. They will continue to have abortions. The only thing that would change is if they have access to safe abortions,” said McNabb. “Citizens can have the right to vote but if they don’t have access to vote, they essentially don’t have a right. The polling places need to be open.”

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