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Julián Castro visits Texas for Warren campaign in final push on Super Tuesday

Castro wanted to give volunteers a boost of confidence before primary election results come in.

SAN ANTONIO — Texas supporters for Elizabeth Warren have a big local name helping them make a final push for a primary win.

On Super Tuesday, former San Antonio mayor and HUD secretary Julián Castro stopped by several campaign offices to give volunteers a boost of confidence before voting results come in.

"There's nothing like grassroots politics," Castro said. "It's all about people talking to other people, persuading them based on what they believe about a candidate."

Castro endorsed Warren when he dropped out of the race in January. 

"Elizabeth Warren has been a steadfast champion for everyday American families," Castro said. "She wants to make sure that more families have good healthcare, that their kids have better educational opportunities."

When Castro visited one of the offices in San Antonio, he met one of its most dedicated volunteers.

The office on Fredericksburg opened late last year. Joan Strojny was one of the first to volunteer. At 79 years old, she's a veteran when it comes to politics.

"I've campaigned for Hilary Clinton, I've campaigned for Jesse Jackson," Strojny said. "Politics have been a central part of my whole existence."

She visits the office weekly to make phone calls. Her hope is to convince other people to vote for the woman who's given her hope.

"She's for all the people," Strojny said. "She wants to represent all of us."

Strojny shook hands and took a photo with Castro during his visit. Castro thanked her for all she's done to support Warren. 

"The fact that you have these folks go out and tell people why they believe in Elizabeth Warren, that's like gold."

"We have to do it," Strojny said.

While they are nearing the end of the road, Strojny isn't slowing down. She's waited too long to be the voice of change.

"This is our chance to take back the democracy," Strojny said. "This is probably the most important election of my lifetime."

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