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Gov. Abbott endorses Marc LaHood, challenger of representative who voted against school choice vouchers

"Governor Abbott and I have agreed on all but two issues. I thought his voucher bill had problems that hurt our public school students," said Rep. Steve Allison.

SAN ANTONIO — Governor Greg Abbott was in San Antonio on Friday afternoon, joining House candidates as they continue campaigning for the Republican primary. 

Abbott endorsed Marc LaHood for House District 121. The seat is currently held by State Rep. Steve Allison, which the governor has endorsed the previous two elections.

In less than a month, voters will be filling out ballots for their picks in the primary. School vouchers were a top priority for Abbott, but after the initiative failed to pass in multiple special sessions last year, he's now supporting the opponents of those who voted against them. 

That includes Allison.

"I endorse and support Marc LaHood for the Texas House of Representatives," said Abbott. "Marc LaHood is going to vote your values."

LaHood said his election platform agenda will include the border, voter integrity and freedom of choice for children.

"I'm unashamed to say that I'm 100% in support of school choice," he said. 

Abbott said he would work with LaHood to pass school choice for every Texas family. In the past two election cycles, Abbott has endorsed current District 121 Representative Steve Allison. 

But not this year. 

"Despite the fact that the majority of you said, 'Yes, we want school choice,' you had a representative who said, 'Sorry, you don't get it,'" said Abbott.

Allison was one of 21 Texas House Republicans who voted against school vouchers.

"Steve Allison took that position by joining all of the Democrats, and just a handful of the Republicans," Abbott said Friday. "Sadly, it's not the only time that he's joined with the Democrats against Republicans."

We offered Allison an opportunity to do an interview with us, but he sent us a statement that said, in part, "Governor Abbott and I have agreed on all but two issues. I thought his voucher bill had problems that hurt our public school students. Regardless, I'll still work with Abbott after we win this election to keep delivering good, positive conservative results." 

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