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'These actions are unacceptable': Headquarters of Bexar County Democrats hit with gunfire

Bexar Co District Attorney said it's still unclear if the party was the target.

SAN ANTONIO — The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office is investigating after a drive-by shooting at a strip center off the 1800 block of Fredericksburg Road.

One of the tenants hit with gunfire, the Headquarters of the Bexar County Democratic Party.

According to Bexar County District Attorney, Joe Gonzales, the shooting happened just after 1 a.m. Tuesday morning when what appears to be a person on a motorcycle pulls up and opens fire.

The Bexar County Democratic Headquarters sustained a broken window as well as the Jimenez Panaderia located next door, also hit with gunfire.

Gonzales said no one was in the party headquarters at the time of the shooting.  The owner of the restaurant said no one was inside his business at the time either.

Although it’s unclear if the Democratic party was the primary target of the shooting, Gonzales said it’s more than just a coincidence this strip center was a target.

“These are the actions of criminals with radical beliefs. These are the actions of someone or some group who disregards the rule of law and wants to intimidate those who disagree with them,” said Gonzales. “These actions are unacceptable in our county.”

Gonzales said he won’t tolerate acts of political violence in Bexar County and promised to prosecute those responsible. 

In the meantime, no suspects have been identified.

In a press conference today outside the Democratic party headquarters, Gonzales made a point to note he was speaking on his official capacity as Bexar County DA.

“Had this been an act of violence against the Republican Party headquarters, I would be here just as quick as I got here today, because I think that an act of violence against either party is unacceptable,” said Gonzales.

Bexar County Democratic Party Chairwoman, Monica Alcantara, said volunteers with the party have been targets in the past, and threats have escalated in the last year.

“They've been followed home. Some have been followed out of the headquarters. We've also received numerous Trump flags left in front of our doorstep,” said Alcantara.

Alcantara said she filed a police report.  The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office is leading the investigation.

“We are here, we are strong, and we are going to make sure that everyone is going to handle this, not in any sort of violence, but they're going to handle this on November 8 at the election box,” said Alcantara.

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