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VERIFY | Do you need a paper copy of your car insurance in your car?

Tonight's Verify claim comes from KENS 5 viewer Mrs. Hughes who was stopped by a Fair Oaks Ranch Officer who told her she needed a paper copy of her insurance.

SAN ANTONIO — With so many unincorporated cities within Bexar County knowing all of the different laws and statutes for each can be a little tricky. Driving laws can often be the most confusing, even if you are driving in your own city,

Tonight's Verify claim comes from KENS5 viewer and Fair Oaks Ranch resident Mrs. Hughes who was stopped by a Fair Oaks Ranch Officer who she says told her she needed a paper copy of her insurance.


Is it true that you need a paper copy of your auto insurance with you in your vehicle, not just an electronic one?


  • Scott Huizenga, the Fair Oaks Ranch City Manager
  • San Antonio Police Department
  • The Texas Transportation Code




Huizenga told us just an electronic copy is just fine. 

"Anytime there's a question or a stop, we always advise residents to always have a proof of insurance copy with you, whether that is paper or electronic. Both are acceptable," Huizenga said.

We reached out to the San Antonio Police Department who told us the same answer, and pointed us to the Texas Transportation Code, which in part states in Section 601.053: 

"As a condition of operating in this state a motor vehicle to which Section 601.051 applies, the operator of the vehicle on request shall provide to a peace officer...an image displayed on a wireless communication device that includes the information required by Section 601.081 as provided by a liability insurer."

So no, it is false. You do not need a paper copy of your auto insurance with you in your vehicle. 

Hughes also told us in Fair Oaks Ranch if you are pulled over and can't provide the insurance you have and you are given a warning or a ticket, you can go to Municipal Court, and as long as you can show proof of insurance there, that warning or ticket will be expunged.

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