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'OH MAMA!' | Former Spurs TV broadcaster Bill Land reveals the origin of his iconic catchphrase. Who surprised him the most when he retired?

What exactly did Bill Land mean each time he yelled "OH MAMA" after each Spurs highlight-worthy moment?

SAN ANTONIO — The San Antonio Spurs recently announced that Bill Land, the award-winning longtime voice for the Spurs television broadcast, announced his retirement ahead of the 2024-25 season.

Land was the lead play-by-play announcer for the Spurs for over two decades alongside Sean Elliott, and his successful 50-year career has left an enduring impact on the franchise and its fans. 

Televised games will not be the same without Land and his signature catchphrase, "OH MAMA!" after every Spurs highlight on the court.

During his time with the team, Land's iconic voice and trademark “OH MAMA!” calls accompanied fans through countless memorable moments, but what was its origin?

Well, wonder no more.

Land revealed how his catchphrase began during an interview with San Antonio Sports Stars' "The Blitz with Jason Minnix and Joe Reinagel."

And it all started during his college days in Illinois as a shout-out to his mother.

"When I went to college (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), I went to Central Missouri my freshman year and played basketball. Their mass com (Mass Communications) department turned out to be not what I thought it was going to be," he said. 

From there, Land revealed that the head of the Mass Communications Department at Southern Illinois had given him a tour of the entire campus and asked him if he would be playing basketball. 

Land told him he would have to be red-shirted, which led to the department head telling him he would do the color commentating on the campus radio station during his red-shirt season.

"I ended up doing that, and my parents lived about 260 miles away up in Northern Illinois and couldn't get the broadcast, obviously. So that became my shout-out on exciting plays. I was like, "Hey mom, I'm thinking of you.'

Said Land: "And that's what it's always been. People thought it was something else, but it is kind of a shout-out to my mother."

Land would have an incredible career behind the microphone after Southern Illinois.

A five-decade broadcasting veteran, he has called games for sports across the United States, ranging from basketball and baseball to water polo and tumbling. His career highlights include serving as a TV sports anchor, radio host, and play-by-play announcer for teams such as the Texas Rangers and Tulsa Roughnecks and various Southwest Conference/Big XII programs while also serving as the play-by-play voice for Wichita State University, Oral Roberts University and the University of Tulsa.

Upon announcing his retirement, Land told "The Blitz" that he received many warm wishes and appreciation from fans and others he grew close with—namely Sean Elliott.

However, he was pleasantly surprised to receive a FedEx envelope with a letter from NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, who sent him his well wishes.

"A FedEx letter arrives, knocks on the door, and I thought, 'What is this?' and I open it up," he explained. "It was a very nice note from the Commissioner, Adam Silver. That certainly shocked me."

RELATED: Longtime Spurs play-by-play broadcaster Bill Land announces his retirement

Land has been honored for his award-winning journalism over the years. He was inducted into the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Hall of Fame in 2021. He received a Lone Star Sports Emmy for his work on the Spurs' return to action during the pandemic in 2020.

He also revealed that he is doing well and will be traveling while dealing with multiple myeloma, a rare blood cancer. He does have occasional fatigue, will have to maintain vaccinations, and is aware his immune system is not as strong as it once was. 

"So far, everything has come back in great shape," he said. "I feel better than I have in a long time. Even before I was even diagnosed. Playing golf, doing whatever I want to do. I still have to be careful about just taking care of myself. Getting sleep and rest because when they gave me a blast of chemo before the stem cell transplant, it knocks out every bit of the cancer, but it also knocked out my immunization system."

The Spurs will honor Bill at their home opener against the Houston Rockets on Saturday, Oct. 26, making the first home game so special.

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