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Spurs, 'The Lonnie Walker IV Foundation,' Firstmark Credit Union bring holiday smiles to local educators

San Antonio educators receive well-deserved support this holiday season.

SAN ANTONIO — Well-deserving San Antonio educators received well-deserved recognition and holiday help from the San Antonio Spurs, Firstmark Credit Union, and former Spurs swingman, Lonnie Walker IV.

They all teamed up for the annual "Turkeys For Teachers" event which recognizes local educators for their excellent work throughout the school season.

"So this year we put together 800 bags with turkeys in them. And thanks to the wonderful partnership that we have with the Lonnie Walker IV's foundation, we were able to include sides. And so all of our guests are coming through and receiving turkeys and sides, and then a bunch of other goodies from a lot of our partners in the nonprofit space," said Marisa Perez-Diaz, Executive Director of the Firstmark Foundation. "And so ahead of the event today, they got together, put together discount tickets, coupons, things that helped to, I think, enrich the experiences of the teachers and the students in the schools."

Cars lined up from one end of the street to another at Firstmark Credit Union as a mariachi band played, Firstmark employees thanked educators and goodie bags were handed out.

The Spurs Coyote even got in the action of helping out Firstmark to give teachers tokens of appreciation for their work.

Credit: Jeff Garcia/KENS5

"Turkeys For Teachers, actually the catalyst was COVID. We knew in the community, we liked to be involved in community spaces and do a lot of things, but when COVID hit, we knew it impacted everybody. And it was in our face that education was hit exceptionally hard," Perez-Diaz said. "I think, for us to be able to show our appreciation to them, but for them to feel like they're very much appreciated in that their work doesn't go unnoticed, especially during that time."

Said Perez-Diaz, "Especially because Firstmark Credit Union was founded by educators. We continue to work to service not just the general community, but educators as well. And so this is our way to give back."

Credit: Jeff Garcia/KENS5

Despite no longer with the Spurs, Lonnie Walker pitched in to help San Antonio educators.

Through his foundation - The Lonnie Walker IV Foundation - his staff was on hand to greet teachers and show he still cares for San Antonio.

"Lonnie is big on education. That's part of one of our mission statements for the foundation," said Walkers' Business Manager, Cory Kemp,  "Anytime that we can do things for teachers, things for students, we're going to jump up to that."

"It doesn't matter if it's still in San Antonio, it's in his hometown of Redding, PA, Lonnie still feels the impact of what he did here in San Antonio and the love that he gets from the community here, and I don't think that's ever going to stop."

Credit: Jeff Garcia, KENS5

Walker now plays for the Brooklyn Nets but Spurs fans still root for him and show their appreciation for what he continues to do for San Antonio.

Fans showered him with praise on social media for helping San Antonio educators this holiday season and that appreciation does not fall on deaf ears.

"I talk to Lonnie almost every day and we talk about these events and we talk about San Antonio. He knows there's love here," Kemp said. "Obviously, when he left he didn't really want to leave because of the love, but business is business, and then if there's ever opportunity for him to get back, I'm sure he'll be happy to do so. "

Also pitching in for the event was Walker's father, Lonnie Walker III.

He was all smiles seeing his son's continued impact in San Antonio and it filled him with pride.

"It means a lot. He was drafted here, so San Antonio will always have a special place in our hearts that gave us the opportunity to change our lives and give him a chance to play professional basketball," Walker III said. "San Antonio will always have a special place in our hearts."

And Lonnie being a pro basketball player who still has not forgotten to help society brings a bigger smile to Walker III.

"It's good to know that all of the things that come with the NBA haven't changed him. He's still grounded," Walker III added. "He still understands what's important, giving back and helping others, and it's a good feeling."

From the Spurs to Firstmark Credit Union, the San Antonio Zoo, the Lonnie Walker Foundation, and all other partners at the event, San Antonio educators know their efforts are not going unrecognized.

Twitter: @KENS5@JeffGSpursKENS5

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