Make sure you grab some tissues to go with your wings and dip for this year's Super Bowl because Google just revealed its game day commercial and it's a tearjerker.
The commercial, titled "Loretta," tells the story of a man who uses the Google Assistant to keep the memory of his late wife Loretta alive.
The ad features photos of the couple as the man tells Google to remember various things about his love, Loretta, such as how she snorts when she laughs or how she loved to eat scallops.
The man who voices the commercial is the real-life grandpa of a Google employee whose life story was the inspiration for the ad, according to a blog post from Google's chief marketing officer Lorraine Twohill. Loretta was inspired by the employee's grandmother.
"The ad reflects our goal to build products that help people in their daily lives, in both big and small ways," she wrote. "Sometimes that’s finding a location, sometimes it’s playing a favorite movie, and sometimes it’s using the Google Assistant to remember meaningful details."
The commercial clearly hit home for lots of people.
Actor and comedian Kumail Nanjiani tweeted "2020. The year I cried at a google commercial."
Even the Nashville Predators NHL team had all the feelings, asking if Google just made them cry?
Google also released along with the ad a video titled "A little help before the Super Bowl," which features the Google assistant answering people's biggest questions about ahead of the big game, from when the game starts to how to make guacamole for the watch party.
"The teams, cities and performers of the Super Bowl change from year to year, but searches about the game remain consistent. Here’s a look at what people are turning to Search to find out about the big day," Twohill wrote.