When you find something truly enjoyable, you want to share it with your family and friends...people you care about. Here is a great way to get in a peaceful workout with others while still maintaining your social distance.
The Camino Real Paddling Trail, on the Colorado River near Bastrop is a gorgeous piece of water. The Lower Colorado River Authority operates power generation stations along the river, so most times the water flows.
Jaime Hanchui has been paddling the river for more than 20 years. Now she owns Rising Phoenix Adventures, which offers canoe and kayak trips as short as six miles - all the way to the coast if you want to do it.
"Our sport is growing fast," says Hanchui. She offers tours 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, and says it's always busy - so much so now, the kayak and canoe trips have turned into racing.
This day though, I was not here to race. I just wanted to spend a little time on a river that I had driven over a hundred times, and never thought about as a recreation spot. If you want to check out "Rising Phoenix Adventures" click here.