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Texas Outdoors: Goin’ Yard with the Roadrunners Softball Team

If you think softball is a recreational sport, try stepping up to the plate with the UTSA Roadrunners team!

SAN ANTONIO —  Every time I'm [Barry Davis] flipping through the channels on the TV and see women's college softball, I have to watch for a while. It doesn't matter who's playing. I've always been fascinated about how fast it is.

I played a lot of baseball in my life, and when I was younger faced some guys who probably threw in the 90's. I was nowhere near the best hitter on the team, but I could hit the ball.

But there is a world of difference in facing a 90 mph fastball from 60 feet 6 inches...and facing a 65-70mph softball from 40 feet. You barely have time to think "Is that a good pitch?"

When I first got on the UTSA softball field with the girls, we went through some stretching exercises, then warmed up our arms and took a few grounders...then head coach Van Studeman showed up.

Being from the St. Louis area, I had on a Cardinals jersey. "Take off that shirt and put on one of ours" barked Studeman. The she had me take off my Cardinal hat and put on a "Rowdy", UTSA's mascot hat...I had to wear it the rest of practice.

She watched me take a few grounders at third and said "It's all about speed Barry. Softball is all about speed!" they play a game called "Hired or Fired." You have to catch the ball and get it to first base in less than 2.6 seconds.

That's about how long it takes a batter, who's hit a grounder to get to first base. If you can't...you're fired. I thought I was a fair infielder and I'm a little competetive...so of course I wanted to play.

First time, it took me 3.04 seconds "You're fired" screamed Studeman... "Cam, show him how it's done!" Cameron Robillard is the shortstop. She took the grounder "2.13 seconds" barked Studeman, "You're hired!" 

I had to redeem myself. I took another turn... "2.54 seconds" yelled Studeman..."You're hired!" I was back in! We also shagged some flyballs in the outfield and it was impressive, to say the least to see how fast these young ladies can run, track down a ball and grab it!

But my mind, the entire time was getting that bat in my hand and stepping up to the plate. They wouldn't let me do it though until i watched Robillard hammer at least 8-10 balls over the outfield wall...no pressure!

I dug in at the plate and watched a couple of pitches sail past, just so I could get a feel for it. Then I told them I was ready. First pitch, I smoked it right back past the pitcher. Then I hit another, fouled a few off, missed a few, hit a few...and truth be told, missed far, far more than I hit.

Next time I'm flipping through the channels and see women's college softball, I'll stop and watch again. I hope it's the Roadrunners, and I don't care what the score is...I know I'll think "Dang, these ladies are good!"     

See the full video below:




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