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Hotel filling staffing gaps ahead of travel trade show expected to bring thousands to SA

Two weeks away from IPW 2023, hotels prepare for the influx of people expected to come from around the world.

SAN ANTONIO — The nation's largest travel trade show is coming to San Antonio this month, and it's expected to bring a surge of visitors to the city for the five day event.

On May 20, the U.S. Travel Association's IPW will kick off at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. The trade show promotes travel to the U.S. from the rest of the world, with many guests experiencing San Antonio for the very first time.

Visit San Antonio won its bid on IPW 2023 in 2016 when the convention center revealed its expansion, and placed the city in a competitive position to host the more than 5,000 expected visitors. Guests in attendance will represent over 70 countries from around the globe.

The travel convention is a major economic driver for hosts cities and is expected to generate an estimated $614 million in international visitor spending for San Antonio. It will also drive an additional 395,000 international visitors to the city, according to Visit San Antonio.

"It's a huge impact for San Antonio over the next three years," said David Gonzalez with Visit San Antonio.

"The return on investment will increase domestic and global visitation numbers and spending as well as create more jobs in our community and increase tax revenue for San Antonio and Texas, said Marc Anderson, President and CEO of Visit San Antonio.

Gonzalez said an effort to get local businesses prepared has been ongoing. On Wednesday, the Hilton Palacio Del Rio hosted a job fair to hire employees ahead of the travel trade show. There are about 30 jobs needed to be filled at the downtown hotel.

"About 100 to 125 people have shown interest in applying and we're interviewing each and every one of them today to make sure we can get them hired if possible," said Robert Thrailkill, general manager.

Thrailkill said the pandemic was difficult for all of the hospitality industry and the hotel is not quite at the same level prior to COVID-19. However, he said staffing is improving and expects the hotel occupancy to be at pre pandemic levels by next year.

For now, he is excited for what is to come with the IPW headed to town.

"It's going to give San Antonio a wonderful showcase to share our community with the world."

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